Monday, May 21, 2012

3 Months!

I can't believe it's already been 3 months since Nathan came!  It has been a crazy few months with all the craziness going on in our lives, but we couldn't be more blessed to be the parents to this little boy!  Nate now has been sleeping in his own bed for a few weeks now, is starting to sleep through the night fairly consistently (much to our immense delight), loves to smile and coo, and just recently rolled over for the first time!

Our 3 month picture with our N 
Sitting up like a big boy!

Wearing our Alligator Outfit (Thx Katie!)

You might have to pardon the blurriness, he doesn't like to be still very long!

As for the house stuff, we're waiting for our file to be approved to close, and should know within a couple of days.  We're hoping to close on May 31, and are very excited to be making many more memories in our new house for a while!


  1. I cannot believe Nate is already 3 months old! How time flies! Super excited about your house, neighbors!


  2. Love him! So, so cute! Lunch date soon?! :)
