Monday, May 21, 2012

3 Months!

I can't believe it's already been 3 months since Nathan came!  It has been a crazy few months with all the craziness going on in our lives, but we couldn't be more blessed to be the parents to this little boy!  Nate now has been sleeping in his own bed for a few weeks now, is starting to sleep through the night fairly consistently (much to our immense delight), loves to smile and coo, and just recently rolled over for the first time!

Our 3 month picture with our N 
Sitting up like a big boy!

Wearing our Alligator Outfit (Thx Katie!)

You might have to pardon the blurriness, he doesn't like to be still very long!

As for the house stuff, we're waiting for our file to be approved to close, and should know within a couple of days.  We're hoping to close on May 31, and are very excited to be making many more memories in our new house for a while!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Mother's Day

I have to say that my very first mother's day was amazing and that Ryan set the bar very high!  He deep cleaned our apartment while I slept after working Friday night, bought me flowers, had our family portraits framed, and made me breakfast Sunday morning before church!  Yesterday was Christ Community Church of Magnolia's baby dedication.  Nathan was dedicated before our friends and family as Ryan and I made a committment to raise him with gospel intentionality, teaching him scripture, and pointing him towards Christ.  It was so special to dedicate him on my very first mother's day.  What a great reminder of my most important mission as a mother- to display Christ to my children and share with them the love of Christ.  Ryan and I are dedicated to keepign this promise and pray that as our friends and family, you will help us walk through this journey through prayer, wisdom, and love. 

I can not belive how big our little guy is getting.  He is 11 weeks now and smiling, cooing, and working on head control.  Time is flying by and we are trying to cherish every little moment and milestone as he grows!  He is now sleeping 7+ hours every night in his own crib.  Mom and dad are loving the return of sleep!

Our Little Man @ 2 months!
Sleeping in my boppy at Grandma and Grandpa Irvine's with my wubbie
We love to smile when we play with mommy!
Playing with mommy is my favorite!
House Update-  We fianlly settled on a final contract once the appraisal came back and are now awaiting final mortgage approval.  Our closing date is May 31st and if all goes accordingly we will be moving the first weekend of June.  We are so excited to kick off our 3rd year of marriage this summer in the new house with plenty of BBQ get togethers!